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Anders Sonnerborg

安德斯 桑纳伯格(Anders Sonnerborg) 医学博士,博士,自1998年任瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institutet)临床病毒学和传染病教授,2012年起任前述两个系的系主任,艾滋病毒研究中心主席。桑纳伯格教授也是卡罗林斯卡大学医院传染病系和临床微生物学系的高级顾问,艾滋病毒研究研发部主任。桑纳伯格教授任艾滋病医生始于1983年,并于1989年在卡罗林斯卡学院通过关于中枢神经系统的艾滋病病毒博士研究论文答辩。此后,他继续从事HIV和丙型肝炎的研究,特别关注抗病毒治疗和发病机制,发表了390多篇同行评议论文,其引用数超过 1.1万次,H指数60。在他的指导下,已有40多名研究生毕业。桑纳伯格教授是瑞典HIV队列项目负责人。在他的领导下,瑞典成为世界上第一个实现了联合国艾滋病规划署/世卫组织90-90-90目标的国家。森纳伯格教授在艾滋病毒研究方面拥有广泛的国际合作。他是瑞典国家卫生福利委员会、瑞典医疗产品署、欧洲疾病控制中心顾问、欧洲药品管理局抗病毒药物/艾滋病毒科学咨询委员会成员、世卫组织东欧顾问和世卫组织艾滋病毒耐药监测网络工作组成员。

Anders Sönnerborg MD, PhD, is professor in clinical virology and infectious diseases at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, since 1998 and chair of both departments since 2012. He is also senior consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases as well as the Department of Clinical Microbiology at the Karolinska University Hospital. He is chairman of the board of Centre for HIV Research at Karolinska Institutet and director of R&D for HIV research at Karolinska University Hospital. Prof Sönnerborg started his work as an HIV physician in 1983 and defended his thesis on HIV in the central nervous system, in 1989 at Karolinska Institutet. He has thereafter continued his research on HIV and hepatitis C with special focus on antiviral therapy and pathogenesis and has published more than >390 peer-reviewed articles with >11 000 citations, H-index 60. More than 40 research students has graduated under his supervision.  Under his supervision as the Director of the Swedish HIV cohort, Sweden reached as the first country in the world the UNAIDS/WHO goal of 90-90-90. Professor Sönnerborg has a wide international network within HIV research. He is consultant to the Swedish National Board of Health Welfare, Swedish Medical Product Agency, to the European Center for Disease control, member of the Scientific advisory group in antivirals/HIV at the European Medicines Agency, consultant to WHO in Eastern Europe and member of the WHO HIVResNet working group.